Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Fairhaven Baptist Church

This Sunday, the team was at Fairhaven Baptist Church in Kansas City. The team enjoyed getting to spend time with old friends from this church and getting to meet new friends too. We attended Sunday School and then prepared for the service. Rachel gave her testimony about what God taught her while attending Amazing Grace as a camper and as a staff member and then shared with us what God is teaching her recently.
We also were able to help with the music ministry, both through special music and through leading the congregational singing.

We very much enjoyed getting to minister through music to these dear people. What a blessing to worship the Lord together!

We are hoping to schedule some more team meetings before summer camp so please contact our office if you are interested in having the team at your church!

Camp Banquet

The Camp Banquet was held at Oak Grove Baptist Church this past Saturday and we are so thankful for a great event. Much work was put into preparation both by the church and by the camp staff. A good group of camp supporters turned out for the evening and it was so exciting to share what God is doing here at Amazing Grace! Here, Christi helps prepare decorations for the evening:We had a good group of workers and babysitters that helped to make the evening such a success and we are so thankful for their time and effort!

During the meal, we had a great time fellowshipping with the folks at the banquet and enjoying dinner all together.

After supper, everyone met in the auditorium for the service. Aaron shared what the Lord did at AGBC in 2009 and gave a vision for what is ahead in 2010. Josh Martin told the group how God has used camp in His life and encouraged the staff to not grow weary in well-doing.

We praise the Lord for a great evening together and are looking forward to seeing many of these folks at the banquet here at AGBC in the future! :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Busy weekend!

This past weekend, the camp team had the wonderful opportunity to visit High Plains Baptist Church in Hays, KS and Rose Hill Bible Church in Rose Hill, KS. Since Hays is about four hours away from camp, we drove out to Hays on Saturday and had a wonderful time fellowshipping with friends that night. Sunday morning, we went over to the church to prepare for the services. Keith taught the teen Sunday School class and Rebecca worked in the nursery. During the morning service, the team ministered through song and testimony, followed by Aaron preaching from Ephesians.
While Aaron was upstairs preaching, Christi, Anita, Rebecca, and Jana went down with the children for Junior Church and had a good time with the children, talking about Psalm 100, specifically what it means to "come before His presence with singing."
After a wonderful covered dish meal hosted by High Plains, the team took off for Rose Hill. This was our first time visiting this church and it was a great encouragement to us to fellowship with these dear people. During the evening service, the team again ministered through song and testimony.

After the service was over, we had a great time during their Sunday evening teen time. Aaron led the group in a coordination drill and then taught a Bible Study on the attributes of God. Keith followed this up with several good games and we all enjoyed our time together!

We are so thankful for this opportunity to be in churches, getting to know these dear believers, and hopefully being an encouragement to them while they are an encouragement to us. Praise the Lord for His work in hearts!