Sunday, November 22, 2009

Faith Baptist Church, Lee's Summit, MO

This week, we visited Faith Baptist Church in Lee's Summit, MO. The Lord blessed us with a wonderful time at this church. Aaron taught a Sunday School class about love and how having Christ's love should influence our lives and ministries. After Sunday School, we had the morning worship service, where the team played and sang for several special music numbers. Aaron then shared his vision for camp and spoke from Ephesians 2 about how we were dead in our sins and now made alive in Christ. Here are a few videos from this past Sunday! (Please excuse the lighting on my camera!) If you are interested in us coming to your church to minister, please e-mail the camp at!

And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. - Psalm 40:3

Monday, November 16, 2009

Stony Point Baptist Church

This past Sunday, the team visited Stony Point Baptist Church in Kansas City. The Lord gave the team great fellowship with the dear people at that church and it was a blessing to minister there. The morning started off with Aaron teaching the teen Sunday School class about having a right walk from Ephesians 4, emphasizing the importance of humility - having a right view of self and a right view of God!

During the morning worship service, the team sang several different songs, as well as playing their instruments for the offertory. The songs focused on God's love and care for His people.

While Aaron preached from Numbers 13-14 about total abandonment to God, Rachel led the Junior church time with a focus on being thankful.

The team has one more meeting this coming Sunday before taking some time off from traveling between Thanksgiving and New Years. We are so thankful for this opportunity to serve in these churches and praise the Lord for what He is doing in lives - both the lives of those we are ministering to and our lives as well! :)
"One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." Psalm 145:4

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Camper Survey

Attention AGBC Campers! We are taking a survey about future camp programs. If you have not yet filled it out, please go to:
If you have already filled it out, thanks so much for your help as we seek to best serve you here at camp! Have a great day! :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fall Youth Retreat

This past weekend, the team ministered at the Fall Youth Retreat at Amazing Grace Baptist Camp. The Lord gave such a beautiful weekend for the event. It was sunny and around 70 degrees both Friday and Saturday. Perfect weather for being outside! Friday night, the teens arrived at camp and settled in. After supper, Dr. Les Ollila ministered from the Word of God and was a blessing to those who heard!

After some free time and a few games of dodge ball, the teens regathered in the chapel for a great Funny Time performance by Keith and Aaron. The teens enjoyed hillarious skits and coordination drills during this hour and laughed much! :)

Saturday morning, the team enjoyed breakfast with the campers, followed by another session with Dr. Ollila. Mid-morning, everyone participated in the fall-themed relay race "Pumpkin Panic."

To finish up the weekend, there was one final session with Dr. Ollila and then everyone headed over to lunch. The whole weekend was marked with a good spirit of fellowship and fun. The team was able to minister through special music several times throughout the weekend and very much enjoyed the interaction with the kids as well.

The Lord provided great helpers for the weekend and much fun was had by all! :) This was the last retreat of 2009 at AGBC and the staff is excited about what the Lord has for us in 2010!
"Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing." Psalm 100:2

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Interview with team member Rachel Moline

When did you first attend Amazing Grace?-
The summer of 1996 when I was in 4th grade.

How many summers have you worked here?-
If I remember correctly, the answer is five. Three summers during high school I worked several weeks and then I worked two full summers during college.

What memory from Amazing Grace stands out most in your mind, whether it be sweet, embarrassing, funny, scary, etc? :)-
This is by far the most difficult question! What one memory? Maybe it would be the summer that the camp had a goat. Who knows what campers fed that poor thing during the summer because it passed away shortly after. Anyway, there was one night when we got out of chapel and the rope that was used to tie the goat up was hanging from the Daisy Building porch. One of the counselors (who will remain nameless) claimed that he had hung the goat. One of my fellow op-staff girls believed him and started chasing him down in order to avenge the goat. Of course the goat was really alive and well. As gruesome as a counselor hanging a goat would have been, we laughed about it the rest of the summer, and I guess I'm still laughing now!

Where did you go to college, what did you study there, and if you had one piece of advice for someone in college right now, what would it be?-
I graduated from Northland Baptist Bible College, where I studied Biblical Counseling. The advice I would give to someone in college now is to seize as many opportunities as possible during their college years- both curricular and extra curricular- because the years go by quickly, BUT to do so discerningly. Know your limits and do not over-commit yourself, or you will run the danger of spreading yourself thin so that you cannot give your best in any area. You also may struggle to commit time to the thing of greatest importance- your personal relationship with God. (And you'll probably get no sleep.)

Besides Amazing Grace, what are some other ministries of which you have been a part?-
I'm thankful that from a young age, I've been able to be involved in local church ministry, be it working in the nursery or toddler class, teaching Sunday School, VBS, and AWANA, or helping with music. While at Northland, I was part of two extension teams, enabling me to serve in the areas of music, Sunday School, youth group, and a nursing home. And this past summer I was part of New York Summer Evangelism Team. We were in NY City for eight weeks, working with a different church each week in the areas of evangelism, work projects, and VBS. The trip was definitely life-changing for me.

What has been your favorite part of traveling with the team so far?-
Without a doubt, my favorite part of traveling with the team has been to be able to see different local churches. Some of the churches we've been to, I've heard about for years, but just now am able to connect a name with a place and the people there.

What has the Lord been teaching you recently?-
The Lord has been teaching me to not worry about next week or next year, or even tomorrow, but to be content in Him today. Each day He gives me what is best, most of all the opportunity to know and serve Him better. Even today as I was doing some cleaning, I realized that as I've committed my worries to Him in prayer, He really has given me a peace that passes all understanding.

Which attribute of God has become especially real to you recently?-
God has really been showing me lately that He is good. I think His goodness encompasses His mercy, grace, sovereignty, and other attributes. When the days come in which I doubt His goodness, I have but to look back on my life and see that He has worked all things for my good and His glory.

"Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him."Psalm 34:8

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Abilene Bible Baptist Church

The Lord gave the ministry team a wonderful Sunday of ministry at Abilene Bible Baptist Church. After a brief music practice, the team broke up for different Sunday School classes. Keith taught the Teen Guys' Sunday School class and Rebecca taught the Teen Girls' class. During the service, the team sang two songs and played their instruments for one. Keith also played the offertory on the piano.

Aaron preached a challenging message about the 12 Spies and compared Caleb's response of faith with the 10 spies response of unbelief and exhorted the congregation to completely rely on the Lord, not on their own understanding. While Aaron was preaching, Rachel, assisted by Anita and Christi, led the Junior Church time in a study of God's mercy.
The team enjoyed wonderful fellowship with the folks in Abilene and is looking forward to a great group from this church coming to the Fall Youth Retreat this weekend!

"But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him, and his righteousness unto children's children." - Psalm 103:17

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Oak Grove Baptist Church

On October 25th, the Lord gave the AGBC Ministry team the opportunity to serve in Oak Grove Baptist Church. After driving to Kansas City that morning, the team set up the display and prepared for a morning of ministry. Keith taught the teen guys' Sunday School class and Rebecca worked in the nursery while the rest of the team members attended other classes. During the morning worship service, the team sang "Wings of the Dawn" and played their instruments for "O Love Divine," as well as playing for the offertory. Rebecca testified to how God has used camp in her life to draw her closer to Himself and how she enjoys seeing God at work in the lives of campers and staff! While Aaron preached on Ephesians 2, the girls had the opportunity to work with the 4 and 5 year old junior church class. Here are some pictures of Rachel, Christi, and Rebecca working with the kids.

The team is excited to be at Abilene Bible Baptist Church this coming Sunday and looking forward to what the Lord has for them there! :)

"Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee." - Psalm 67:5

AGBC Ministry Team!

The AGBC Ministry Team is so excited about the service opportunities the Lord has given to them this year. The team consists of 7 team members: Aaron and Sarah Burton (AGBC Director), Keith Bartram (AGBC Program Director), Anita Mohinani, Christi Montgomery, Rachel Moline, and Rebecca Linville. This fall the team has 5 churches that it has either already visited or is planning on visiting before the end of Novemebr. The team already has some plans for next spring as well. The ministry in each church differs on the needs of that church but the team is prepared to teach Sunday School, do both instrumental and vocal special music, give personal testimonies, present the minsitry of AGBC, preach, lead Junior Church, or whatever else is needed! It is exciting to be involved in spreading the word about what God is doing at Amazing Grace Baptist Camp!
"I will extol thee, my God, O king; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise thy name for ever and ever. Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." Psalm 145:1-4